Contact us at 518-758-9528
or write to us at:
P.O. Box 107
Kinderhook, NY 12106.
Social Network
The O.K. Kids, Inc. After-School program offers care in the Primary School from dismissal at school until 6:00 pm. Children in the Elementary/Middle School building will ride their bur route over to the Primary School and disembark, entering the Primary School and going to the gymnasium. Children bring a snack daily from home and have a variety of activities to choose from, including outdoor time, crafts, games, and homework help. There is a wait list for the after school program. Families with interest should contact the program as soon as possible (518-758-9528).
Program costs are $200.00 per month. A family discount of up to 10% per additional child may be applied.
Conference Days- Children enrolled in the After-School program will be able to sign up to attend the program on school conference days from 7 AM to 6 PM. There is an extra charge of $20.00 for the first child and $10.00 for each additional child.
1/2 Days - Children enrolled in the After-School program will also be able to sign up to attend the program on scheduled 1/2 days. There is an extra charge of $10.00 for the first child and $5.00 for each additional child.
O.K. Kids will not operate on days that the Ichabod Crane Schools are closed due to legal holidays, extreme weather conditions, or other emergencies.